Sunday 3 February 2008

Alien Vs Predator 2: Requiem

The new Alien Vs Predator movie is a tricky one for me. It made me ask too many questions. The fight scenes and effects were all pretty realistic. But it was exactly like the first AVP movie.
The questions i ask was, If one predator is kicking all the aliens asses why dont they just send in a load more predators and save time???? Also why does the ending fight with this end exactly like the first movie???? Why didnt you put it more clearly that one Alien was actually Half-Alien and Half-Predator???? Why didnt you make that alien/predator look more different to the predator????
Not all was bad though. There was a good deal of action and a good bit of scariness in there. But they just leave this movie with too many mistakes im afraid. Im giving it 2 out of 5 stars.

Monday 3 September 2007

Lets start the blog off on a good note. 1408 is a great movie. It has got wit, its got horror but best of all its got a good SCARY storyline. Its not your usual group of teenagers get lost in a spooky murder infested woods movie. Its far from it. Basically because its got one main actor in one small room. People think "it cant be that scary....". I thought that. But when i saw it i gave it a 10/10 on the scare the crap out of you factor.
John Cusack is great in it. It must have been a real hard acting role because most the time hes speaking to himself in the room! But he pulls it off wonderfully. Samuel.L.Jackson was a good choice for hotel manager because his scene was the one that explained evrything. Luckily he told the story pretty well.
I wont tell you to much about what happens but its about a writer (as all Stephen King main characters are) who goes searching for gohsts but so far hasnt seen any. One day he gets a postcard with new york on the front and written on the back is, Dolphin Hotel, dont go in room 1408.
Thats all im saying. Youll just have to go see the movie yourselves. Trust me its worth it. I give it a :)
Hello this is MovieLads movies. I shall try and write about as many movies as i can. :)